Another irreparable breakdown
Oh God, look at you.
You’re a mess
I knew this was coming for some time
but why did it have to be now?
Not now of all times.
You get like this all the time now.
I hate it when you just sit there.
Not saying anything.
Not doing anything.
I can’t communicate with you any more.
I don’t mistreat you do I?
I constantly give you things.
Expensive things
And you look better now than you ever did.
I know you’re always busy.
I know that you need your own space,
and you seem to have the right
to change at any time.
You’re just so bloody unreliable.
Always forgetting things.
Important things.
And now you’ve gone and done this again.
Well, I’ve tried as hard as I can to save this,
but it isn’t going to work, is it?
Goodbye, you bitch.
Click here to restart your computer, eh?
Where’s that Windows CD?
[See what I has done there? I is all highbrow now. All just because I couldn't save a document, and the computer locked up]
Well it beats a fucking picture doesn't it? Google thinks my sister site is spam. Boo. Little do they know she's as tough as nails, and a nasty drunk to boot.
[Here's a quandary for all you visitors...if you vote me down I shall only become stronger. If you vote me up against my wishes, I only become strangely aroused and wriggle in my seat a bit in a mildly disgusting manner. What to do? What to do?]